Household Finance

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New Year’s Resolutions That Could Save You Money

We all make new year’s resolutions, each of us with a different level of conviction. Some follow through, but most do not. Here’s an incentive to make you want to stick with your resolutions - saving money on your home insurance! Take a look at some new year’s resolutions recommended by People’s...

7 Projects to Improve Home Value with Your Tax Refund

  One of the best ways to take advantage of your tax refund is to put it toward your home. Here are seven ways you can use your tax refund to improve the value your home. Project #1: Get Organized Investing in organizational storage is a great way to kick-start your spring cleaning and improve the...

5 Ways Florida Homeowners Can Go (& Save) Green For St. Patrick’s Day

5 Ways Florida Homeowners Can Go (& Save) Green For St. Patrick’s Day While the thought of getting pinched may sway even the most apathetic Floridians to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, the idea of “pinching” is not always a bad thing. Check out these five clever ways to save some green AND...

How to Prevent Holiday-Related Online Identity Theft

Identity theft is always a problem, no matter what time of the year it is.  The holidays are an even more enticing time for criminals to try to steal your information when you are less likely to have your guard up since you are busy shopping for good deals.  What’s worse- our guard is down when we...

7 Tips for Shrinking Your Home Heating Bills

by PTI Marketing | Jan 14, 2015 If you live in Florida, you likely take steps each summer to shrink your cooling bills, but do you the same with heating costs during winter? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, space heating is the largest energy expense in the average U.S. home, accounting...

Save Money with Home Maintenance

by PTI Marketing | Feb 05, 2014 Your home is one of the largest purchases you’ll ever make, and it’s also where you’ll make some of your fondest memories. People’s Trust wants to help those memories last and show you some quick home maintenance tips that save money and can improve the life of your...

People’s Trust Identity Theft Tips

by PTI Marketing | Dec 20, 2013 December is not only the shop ‘til you drop season, it’s also National Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness month.  According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft is the number one type of consumer fraud in the U.S., resulting in about 9 million people...

Holiday Scams to Watch Out For

by PTI Marketing | Dec 12, 2013 Scammers ramp up their activities each year around the holidays. The holiday season is a great time for giving, but sadly, there always seem to be people who want to prey on generosity and good cheer in order to rip people off. But you don’t have to be a victim. ...

How to Manage Your Finances During the Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to let your finances spiral out of control. To help you out, we’ve put together the following list of smart and savvy financial tips to help you stay on top of your budget and manage your money now through the holiday festivities. 1. Lock in your holiday...

10 Ways to Save Money Around the House

Oh, the joys of being a homeowner. While the freedom, sense of accomplishment, and fulfillment that come with owning your own home are priceless, everyday expenses can add up. Here are some clever home hacks that will help you continue to appreciate being a homeowner without breaking the bank. 1....