Executive Team

Jason Coben

Chief Strategy Officer

Jason Coben, Chief Strategic Initiatives Officer


Jason serves as Chief Strategy Officer for People’s Trust Insurance Company and is a member of the Executive Committee. His wide-ranging role is to find ways to make the company as efficient as possible.


Rather than focusing on one department or function, Jason uses analysis and planning to improve workflows wherever possible — by boosting productivity, reducing costs, shortening cycle-times, or even enhancing the customer experience.


He joined our Rapid Response Team affiliate in 2014, bringing a diverse body of experience from the restoration sector. After making a sizable impact and earning multiple promotions, Jason migrated to People’s Trust in 2016 as Director of Intercompany Operations.


That position let him use unique skills from his time as an Olympic-level platform diver. When competing, he would exhaustively review every element to perfect his performance. A similar approach helped him find ways to eliminate any inefficiency to optimize a company process or procedure.


In addition to holding a BA from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Florida Atlantic University, Jason holds several designations, including Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Associate in Reinsurance (ARe), and Associate in Risk Management (ARM), and he has a 6-20 Certified Adjuster License.